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The village of L’Isle-sur-Serein is a small village located east center of France. The town of L’Isle-sur-Serein is located in the department of Yonne of the French region Bourgogne. The town of L’Isle-sur-Serein is located in the township of L’Isle-sur-Serein part of the district of Avallon. The area code for L’Isle-sur-Serein is 89204 (also known as code INSEE), and the L’Isle-sur-Serein zip code is 89440.

The altitude of the city hall of Serein Shores is approximately 200 meters. The L’Isle-sur-Serein surface is 4.44 km. The latitude and longitude of L’Isle-sur-Serein are 47.588 degrees North and 4.005 degrees East. Nearby cities and towns of L’Isle-sur-Serein are: Dissangis (89440) at 1.98 km, Angely (89440) at 2.86 km, Coutarnoux (89440) at 3.01 km, Blacy (89440) at 3.36 km, Sainte-Colombe ( 89440) at 3.66 km, Thizy (89420) at 4.33 km, Massangis (89440) at 4.65 km, Talcy (89420) at 5.16 km.

The population of L’Isle-sur-Serein was 718 in 1999, 760 in 2006 and 764 in 2007. The population density of Isle-sur-Serein is 172.07 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Isle-sur-Serein was 361 in 2007. These homes of L’Isle-sur-Serein consist of 267 main residences, 59 second or occasional homes and 35 vacant homes.

Isle-sur-Serein is a small village in the center of France. The village is situated in the department of Yonne in the region of Burgundy. The village of L’Isle-sur-Serein apart from the Avalon and the canton of L’Isle-sur-Serein. The code postal village of L’Isle-sur-Serein is 89440 and its code Insee is 89204.

The altitude of the island of Isle-sur-Serein is about 200 meters away. Sa superficie est de 4.44 km². The latitude is 47,588 degrees Nord and its longitude is 4,005 degrees Est. Les villeles et villages proches de L’Isle-sur-Serein sont: Dissangis (89440) à 1.98 km, Angely (89440) à 2.86 km, Coutarnoux (89440) à 3.01 km, Blacy (89440) à 3.36 km, Sainte-Colombe (89440) à 3.66 km.

 (Destinations with these communicative proceeds of the Isle-sur-Serein are calculated from the Oiseau – see the list of villages and villages of Yonne)

The population of L’Isle-sur-Serein has a population of 718 in 1999, 760 in 2006, 764 in 2007 and 747 in 2009. The population density of the village is 168.24 inhabitants per km.

The number of logements on the commune is estimated at 1 361 in 2007. These logements composer of 267 principal residences, 59 second residences or occasional vacancies which have 35 logements vacants.

Return to the public service of Isle-sur-Serein.

These are the coordinates of many other public services of the public domain to the commune: Mairie, Prefecture, Sous prefecture, Poule Emploi, Gendarmerie, CAF, CPAM, CROUS, CIO, NUMéros utiles

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